
公司动态 18luck菲律宾官网 行业动态 论文发表 相关技术
Kinetics, reaction pathways, and mechanism investigation for improved  environmental remediation by 0D/3D CdTe/Bi2WO6 Z-scheme catalyst

Kinetics, reaction pathways, and mechanism investigation for improved environmental remediation by 0D/3D CdTe/Bi2WO6 Z-scheme catalyst

Kinetics, reaction pathways, and mechanism investigation for improved environmental remediation by 0D/3D CdTe/Bi2WO6 Z-scheme catalyst


Ferroelectric polarization effect promoting the bulk charge separation for enhance the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation

Ferroelectric polarization effect promoting the bulk charge separation for enhance the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation

Ferroelectric polarization effect promoting the bulk charge separation for enhance the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation


Nanolayered Heterostructures of N‑Doped TiO2 and N‑Doped Carbon for Hydrogen Evolution

Nanolayered Heterostructures of N‑Doped TiO2 and N‑Doped Carbon for Hydrogen Evolution

Nanolayered Heterostructures of N‑Doped TiO2 and N‑Doped Carbon for Hydrogen Evolution


Orderly layer-by-layered TiO2/carbon superstructures based on MXene’s defect engineeringfor efficient hydrogen evolution

Orderly layer-by-layered TiO2/carbon superstructures based on MXene’s defect engineeringfor efficient hydrogen evolution

Orderly layer-by-layered TiO2/carbon superstructures based on MXene’s defect engineeringfor efficient hydrogen evolution


A direct charger transfer from interface to surface for the highly efficient spatial separation of electrons and holes: The construction of Ti–C bonded interfaces in TiO2-C composite as a touchstone for photocatalytic water splitting

A direct charger transfer from interface to surface for the highly efficient spatial separation of electrons and holes: The construction of Ti–C bonded interfaces in TiO2-C composite as a touchstone for photocatalytic water splitting

A direct charger transfer from interface to surface for the highly efficient spatial separation of electrons and holes: The construction of Ti–C bonded interfaces in TiO2-C composite as a touchstone for photocatalytic water splitting


NiO/Ni/TiO2 nanocables with Schottky/p-n heterojunctions and the improved photocatalytic performance in water splitting under visible light

NiO/Ni/TiO2 nanocables with Schottky/p-n heterojunctions and the improved photocatalytic performance in water splitting under visible light

NiO/Ni/TiO2 nanocables with Schottky/p-n heterojunctions and the improved photocatalytic performance in water splitting under visible light


A continuous valence band through N-O orbital hybridization in N-TiO2 and its induced full visible-light absorption for photocatalytic hydrogen production

A continuous valence band through N-O orbital hybridization in N-TiO2 and its induced full visible-light absorption for photocatalytic hydrogen production

A continuous valence band through N-O orbital hybridization in N-TiO2 and its induced full visible-light absorption for photocatalytic hydrogen production


2022-2025@18新利国际娱乐 版权所有 京公安网备11010602007561 京ICP备10039872号



